
Sirre Kronlöf



Email:  sirukronlof@gmail.com

Birthday: 30.06.1998

School: Mäkelänrinteen Sports High school in Helsinki

I started sailing competitively when I was about 11 years old in optimist class. I started pretty late compared to the others at our club (HSS). In optimist there were really many highs and lows for me, lows were mostly during my last year when I didn't qualify for the optimist worlds. Optimist still taught me what competitive sailing means and it gave me a good base for the future. I sailed optis until I was 15 and tried some different classes (laser 4.7 and byte CII). At the beginning of 2014 Veera asked me to start sailing 29er with her, so we went to HSS Down Town clinic and that's when it all began.


Veera Hokka



Sähköposti: veera.hokka@pp.inet.fi

Birthday: 30.3.1998


School: Mäkelänrinteen Sports High school in Helsinki


I also started competing in optimist class when I was 11 years old. I was among the first junior sailors at my home club EMK. So when I started competing there weren’t many other sailors from EMK who would have come racing and basically it was just me and my dad at the beginning. My dad also coached me for a long time in optimist and also when I started sailing zoom8. In optimist and even better in zoom8 I realized that I really want to get on top of the fleet and it really gave me motivation for my training which I then did also when I didn’t have any organized trainings. After a year in zoom8 I started thinking about 29er and in September 2013 I had a boat and I started figuring out the basics and the technique. On 2014 I asked Sirre to start sailing with me and since that June we’ve been sailing together.


